Hilltop Raptors

Another week has passed in the IPNRM and we have now crested 200 observations for the project! Let's go over what happened during the week. We added 37 more observations and the top five most observed species are on fire. For once, the Red-tailed Hawk doesn't seem to outcompete all the other species as the Osprey is only three observations behind. I'm not sure if that's because observers are really interesting in photographing osprey or what. But on an additional note, we have now crested last year's record of Osprey sightings. That's a good sign if I do say so.

This week's observation of the week is different from the other observations I've congratulated. It is a recording this week. Without further adieu, the project's focus turns to @nightjar09 sighting of a Flammulated Owl in Walla Walla County, Washington. Here's why I'm so excited about this recording. I lived in Walla Walla for two years and though I never did look very hard for Flammulated, I camped enough times in the Blues to know that this species is hard to get in the county. I've heard Flammulated in Columbia and Garfield county but I just couldn't find them in my home county. So for this observer to find the 3rd county record is outstanding and I believe a round of applause is needed. You can listen to the recording here:


What should we expect in the following week? Well, typical summertime things are getting in the way of hawkwatching. Some places are having in-class school this year so parents are making sure they go camping before another year starts. Wildfires are growing in east slope of the Cascades, so that might be hindering your progress. As for me, lightening storms are killing my parties and I do not want a repeat of yesterday, in which I was hiking in Ladd Marsh and the storm came in while I was still a mile away from my car. It's not fun so check the forecast, just because it is sunny now, doesn't mean it stay that way for an hour. Anyway, in whatever way you can contribute, it will do and check fields. Wheat fields are being plowed in southeastern Washington and that draws in Swainson's/Red-taileds by the dozens. Good luck!

Posted on August 19, 2020 03:33 PM by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


Glad to see the project is doing well, here in the west, we only have 17 species so far. But hoping to get more in fall.

Posted by chrisleearm about 4 years ago

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