Accipiters, Falcons and Vultures Oh My

This Wednesday finishes the second complete week in September for the project. During this seven day period, we have increased the observation count by 35 observations and our total tally settles at 372. To be honest, I was hoping we would have a few more counts but I don't blame that on the birders. I went birding three times this week and guess how many raptors I saw. Two, a harrier and unphotographed Swainson's Hawk. The smoke from the recent Cascades fires are really putting a damper on our birding but soon it'll be over, winter will come and knock us out of our seats!

This week's observation of the week goes to @rccarl for a nice capture of a juvenile Peregrine Falcon. Not much I can say about this observation other than wow! Often considered the fastest animal on earth, the Peregrine Falcon can be distinguished from the similar and more common Prairie Falcon by the lack of dark armpits, more blackish upperparts and strong hooded look. Look for these along the Columbia River in the coming weeks, they love to terrorize Western Sandpiper flocks. You cans see the photo here:

What can we expect for the following week? Well, we did get a Great Gray Owl this week which is another species we can tag onto the list. That also means you should look out for owls wherever you are. Owling could be good in forests that are not burning. Just be smart when you're up there. And of course, look for Broad-winged Hawks, I'd like to see someone besides me see one. I'm heading out to Malheur National Wildlife Refuge this weekend so I may get one along with another Red-shouldered Hawk. Good luck hawkers!

Posted on September 17, 2020 03:26 AM by birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


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