Eastern Pacific Nudibranch News: Triopha catalinae AND Triopha modesta

New paper: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12526-020-01107-2 The external morphological difference is the shape of the lateral tubercles. Dendritic/short = T. modesta, Conical/rounded = T. catalinae. Close to all, if not 100%, of my SF Bay area observations are T. catalinae.

Posted on September 23, 2020 04:42 AM by anudibranchmom anudibranchmom


Hello @anudibranchmom, I read your abstract with great interest... however i'm not a scientist therefore didn't understand everything :o( and I don't have access to the full paper. I see here above ..." shape of the lateral tubercles. Dendritic/short = T. modesta, Conical/rounded = T. catalinae. ..." Would you happen to have picture of the 2 species... or even a "side by side" comparison to help the tourist that I am understand ("see") the difference ???
Many thanks for updating the 2 post I have about T. modesta and giving me the link to your article :o)

Posted by rlacroix almost 4 years ago

@rlacroix I'm a 'tourist' too! The best thing to do is to look closely at the Observations that Jeff Goddard has already changed (today! Thanks Jeff and @jpsilva !) to Triopha modesta. Look at the tubercles on the body - you will see the difference mentioned in the paper.

Posted by anudibranchmom almost 4 years ago

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