Top 3 Butterfly Garden Needs:⠀
🦋 Colorful Nectar Plants such as the Black-Eyed Susan.⠀
🦋 A few key larval host plants (for the caterpillars). For example, the Butterfly Milkweed.⠀
🦋 Limited or no pesticides.⠀

Special thanks to Dr. Jaret C. Daniels - @floridamuseum & Jennifer W. Marvin - @floridafriendlylandscaping for answering all of our questions about pollinators this month! ⠀

Bee-sure to stay tuned for more fun facts!⠀

pollinators #butterfly #monarchbutterfly #monarchbutterflies #Parks4Pollinators

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:41 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd


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