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Nature in Winnipeg's Public Spaces

iNaturalist use is steadily growing in Canada - we recently surpassed 4 million observations! The iNaturalist collection project, Winnipeg Parks and Open Spaces shows us that just over 5,000 of those observations were found in parks and public open spaces in Winnipeg. Up to now, 951 species have been reported by 411 observers.

The three most frequently reported organisms are all waterfowl - Canada Goose (92), Mallard (77) and Wood Duck (60) - a testimony to the importance of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers to the natural habitat of Winnipeg.

As COVID-19 continues to limit our ability to move freely, it is refreshing to find nature in places that are close at hand. If you cannot get out into a local park, it might be time to check back through your files and field notes to see what observations from the past can be added to fill out the story of Winnipeg's urban green spaces.

More reading:

Posted on November 14, 2020 08:05 PM by marykrieger marykrieger


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