Wikipedia Weekly Network - Live editing Wikipedia: Biodiversity edition #3 #EarthDay

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Wikipedia Weekly Network - Live editing Wikipedia: Biodiversity edition #3 #EarthDay Honoring #EarthDay​, Users Siobhan Leachman, Andra Waagmeester, Mike Dickison, Albin Larsson and Jan Ainali are joined by iNaturalist co-founder Ken Ichi to discuss and showcase how iNaturalist is used in Wikimedia. We'll start with the new property iNaturalist place ID in Wikidata and see where our discussion leads us. Join in the chat to ask questions during the session.
Wikipedia Weekly Network - Live editing Wikipedia: Biodiversity edition #3 #EarthDay All placenames are in english and could not be the offical placenames. GADM wants to map the administrative areas of all countries, at all levels of sub-division. We use a high spatial resolution, and of a extensive set of attributes. This is a never ending project, but we are happy to share what we have. You can write us with questions and suggestions, using this contact form.

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Posted on April 23, 2021 09:04 PM by ahospers ahospers


Je zit zelf in de video ;-)

Posted by optilete over 3 years ago
Posted by ahospers over 3 years ago

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