Open call for Greg Lasley video tributes

Each October, Travis Audubon Society honors an individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to promoting environmental conservation, education, or advocacy at the annual Conservation Award Celebration, named after legendary birder and conservationist Victor Emanuel.

The Board of Directors of Travis Audubon is honored to announce that the 2021 Conservation Hero is Greg Lasley of Dripping Springs, Texas. The Board unanimously agreed that no one is more qualified for this award than Lasley, who accepted the honor before his death on January 30, 2021. Lasley will be honored posthumously at the virtual 12th annual Victor Emanuel Conservation Award Celebration on October 8, 2021.

As part of the virtual program, we would like to showcase Greg's impact on friends and fellow naturalists all over the world with personal stories.

If you are interested in sharing a tribute to Greg, please use this Google Form to upload a less-than-one-minute video file using one of these prompts:

  • A lesson Greg taught me is…
  • My favorite memory of Greg is…
  • Greg’s legacy to conservation is…
    Submissions will close on Friday, August 20, 2021.

If you have questions about the event or video submissions, please email Development Manager Kelsey McKenna at

Posted on June 25, 2021 03:13 AM by gcwarbler gcwarbler


Posted by gcwarbler about 3 years ago

I'm going to work on a short little video on Saturday. Thanks, Chuck.

Posted by sambiology about 3 years ago

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