campanula in Manitoba - state of play and incoming realignment

So here's the state of play for Campanula in Manitoba at the time of posting according to VasCan...

Native to Manitoba...

Campanula petiolata (no common name assigned as yet :) )
found in Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba

Campanula gieseckeana Giesecke's bellflower
found in NWT, Nunavut, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador

Introduced in Manitoba...

Campanula rapunculoides

Campanula glomerata Subspecies Campanula glomerata subsp. glomerata

Campanula trachelium Subspecies Campanula trachelium subsp. trachelium

Excluded from the flora of Manitoba (and every other part of Canada)...

Campanula rotundifolia

What was that you said?

now this is a bit of a upheaval as for many many years we have become accustomed to identifying our local native harebell as C. rotunidifolia and it can be a bit of a shock to find the name has been whisked away from us to only apply to the plants native to Europe.

so if our native harebell is not C. rotundifolia then what is it.....

well for most of southern Manitoba I expect the answer is going to be C. petiolata

here's the entry from Scoggans Flora of Manitoba 1957 (p 507) and you can see what I mean...

3. C. rotundifolia L. (incl. the intergrading var intercedens (Witasek) Farw. and var. petiolata (A. DC.) Henry (C. petiolata A. DC.))
Prairie, sandhills, rock outcrops, and clearings in the southern three-quarters of the province. Northernmost collection: Nelson River at Limestone Rapids about 155 miles south of Churchill; railway clearing....

C. intercedens proper is currently absent from Manitoba on VasCan being found in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes (excluding Newfoundland and Labrador)

C. giesekiana - the slice of C rotundifolia complex that we thought we might be getting is really a plant of the Arctic - here's a discussion of this plant from the online Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. So plants in the northern quarter of the province are likely to be this species.

So I will be moving my identifications of C rotundifolia complex in Manitoba to align with this way of thinking - ymmv :)

PS For those of you wondering what happened to Marsh Bell flower -
Palustricodon aparinoides var. aparinoides is the new name of Campanula aparinoides Pursh

Posted on July 22, 2021 06:57 PM by marykrieger marykrieger


Bless you for trying to keep up with the taxonomists! It can be a chore sometimes.

Posted by friesen5000 about 3 years ago

Very nice nutshell explanation. Bravo!

Posted by annebarbour1 about 3 years ago

Thanks for the nice summary. Much appreciated.

Posted by paultavares about 3 years ago

adding some links for these species from Plants of the World Online to give more background for those interested- this is the taxonomy that is being followed for vascular plants by iNat at the time of this comment-

The bibliography section in each species account provides the publication history of the name and species description for those who which to view the evidence presented for themselves.

C. rotundifolia

C. giesekiana

C. petiolata

C. intercedens

C. alaskana

VASCAN is the Database of Vascular Plants of Canada, a comprehensive list of all vascular plants reported in Canada, Greenland (Denmark) and Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France). Its taxonomy decisions are made separately so when comparing names between VASCAN and iNaturalist there will on occasion be differences. This list is maintained by a diverse group of Canadian stakeholders interested in supporting a consistent botanic nomenclature in Canada.

Posted by marykrieger about 3 years ago

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