Dissoptera of the World

Dissoptera is an intriguing mainly Pacific Eristaline genus that caught my attention a few months ago. It is characterised by a strange 'scaly pollinosity' - some of them look like they've been rolling in talcum powder!
The descriptions of all the species are available online, but there doesn't seem to be a key available that includes all seven species. The doc below is an attempt to do that, but there are also links to the scientific descriptions of each species, lest my interpretations be flawed.

Species covered are: D clarkei, gressitti, heterothrix, maritima, palauensis, unicolor and yapensis. D pollinosa and Eristalis flavohirta are synonyms of D heterothrix.

Posted on October 1, 2021 11:13 AM by matthewvosper matthewvosper


Posted by edanko over 2 years ago

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