What a beautiful BioBlitz! Hope you enjoyed it! Results coming in...

Thanks to all that participated both physically and digitally (with identifying!) in the Tandy Hills BioBlitz! If you came to it, did you have a good time? We hope so -- a lot of work went into this event, so we hope that you all enjoyed it.

Results are coming in... If you took some photographs with a camera, please try to get them uploaded as soon as you can. This way, we can send this data out to all of the participants and those that are curious about this event sooner rather than later.

Here are the observations made at Tandy Hills:

Here are the species that have been documented and the times these species had been observed:

If you want to help out with some of the ID's of observations, PLEASE do! We need as much help ID'ing these organisms as we can get. Here's a link to the observations that need ID:

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions on how this sort of event can be improved in the future, please leave a comment. Thanks for being a part of this BioBlitz! :)

Posted on April 24, 2016 03:44 AM by sambiology sambiology


If you are curious of numbers... During the week of the bioblitz (recording just the observations that had been uploaded as of midnight Saturday, 23 April), 111 participants made 1693 observations of 375 species... That's a LOT!

So the overall Tandy Hills project has 145 participants that have made 2594 observations of 534 species. Quite impressive indeed.

Numbers will change as more folks upload their observations. :)

Posted by sambiology over 8 years ago

Update (11 pm, Sunday, 24 April):
During the week of the BioBlitz, 118 participants uploaded 2050 observations of 438 species...

Posted by sambiology over 8 years ago

Another update (7 pm, Monday, 25 April):
2120 observations of 465 species just during the BioBlitz week! Wow.

Posted by sambiology over 8 years ago

this was a great bioblitz. Is there any way to set this up so one could search by species? For example, there was a species of fly I thought someone had seen and now I have seen something I think is like it. I would like to search here for it and check it out but I have just gone through every species seen looking for it....

Posted by taogirl over 8 years ago

Hey Judith, here are the flies observed at Tandy Hills:

Basically, I went to the project, clicked species, then grid view, then entered in "flies" at the top search bar.

Posted by sambiology over 8 years ago

thanks Sam. Turns out it was not here that I saw an observation.

Posted by taogirl over 8 years ago

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