City Nature Challenge 2022 in Manitoba - Results

Another City Nature Challenge completed and there is lots to be satisfied by. Observers braved the cool temperatures and blustery conditions, finding ways to make observations despite poor road conditions and overland flooding. Thank you all for your efforts!

It was great to see Brandon take part for the first time with Sherry Punak-Murphy @hipstermama at the helm and the Westman Naturalists backing her up.

Here are the official results for our two events. As time goes on, the event counts continue to update as people identify and even add observations that got missed in the initial uploads. To give us all some closure, an official tally was done as of end of day May 8.

Location Total* Research Grade
Observations Species Identifiers Observers Observations Species Identifiers Observers
Brandon 364 117 59 21 254 77 55 18
Winnipeg 1,751 289 145 29 896 161 137 28
All Manitoba Events 2,115 1,150

Over the duration of the observation period in both Winnipeg and Brandon, together we saw 185 different species. Here is the list of the top five overall in descending order.

  1. Branta canadensis - Canada Goose
  2. Anas platyrhynchos - Mallard
  3. Junco hyemalis - Dark-eyed Junco
  4. Acer negundo - Manitoba Maple
  5. Cornus sericea - Red Osier Dogwood

Worldwide, observers made records of 2,244 Rare/Threatened/Endangered species. Seven species were observed as part of Manitoba events, summarized in the table below, with their rarity status on the global, national and provincial level. Note that in some cases a species is provincially okay but globally in trouble (and vice versa).

Species Global (IUCN Red list) Canada Manitoba

Ulmus americana
American Elm

Endangered (decreasing) Apparently Secure Apparently Secure

Quiscalus quiscula
Common Grackle

Near Threatened (decreasing) Secure Secure

Eurosta solidaginis
Goldenrod Gall Fly

No Ranking No Status Rank Vulnerable

Eremophila alpestris
Horned Lark

Least Concern (decreasing) Secure Vulnerable

Euphagus carolinus
Rusty Blackbird

Vulnerable(decreasing) Apparently Secure Imperiled

Sciurus niger
Fox Squirrel

Least Concern (stable) Secure Vulnerable

Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Green Ash

Critically Endangered (decreasing) Apparently Secure Apparently Secure

A special thank you to @seraphinpoudrier for both adding the most observations and finding the most species in the Winnipeg event.

There were 40 cities in the Canadian section and Winnipeg ended up in 14th position overall. Here's a pdf of the Canadian highlights.

The global iNaturalists results can be seen in this umbrella project La Paz, Bolivia hit the sweet spot this year with more than 4,000 observers adding more than 130,000 observations of over 4,000 species. Incredible!

All 64,000 or so of us made more than a million and a half observations of more than 50,000 species worldwide in just four days. You all know how to do it now :) just keep a' going!

Posted on May 11, 2022 09:58 PM by marykrieger marykrieger


Wow, how interesting. Thanks @marykrieger for this report - and the planning of the provincial part of this event, with @hipstermama. I was surprised to see how many people went outside to dance in the rain-snow-sun-cloud while swinging-skating-walking during the 4 days, and taking pictures and sounds at the same time. Aren’t we glad to bring our Manitoban contribution to that challenge !? I found also interesting to see how nature (and weather…) is different in other parts of the country.

Next year, I will do my best to provide different weather during the challenge. My umbrella is still wet from the four days.

Bravo to all of us!

Posted by seraphinpoudrier over 2 years ago

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