Invitation to the Biodiversity Challenge - June 9 - 12, 2022

This challenge is timed later in the spring to provide an opportunity for areas in the more northerly latitudes to show more of their biodiversity. It is currently is a more free-from event - the only structure is that the dates of the challenge are the same across the various groups participating and there is a boundary of some sort.

Historically the event known as BiodiverCity was organized by Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute on the NatureLynx platform and was primarily focused in Alberta. They are withdrawing from organizing the event but encouraging the spirit of the event to continue in whatever way the community feels suitable. I was approached along with others across the prairies to join in on the fun this year.

I have spun up two projects - as it happens I will be in two locations during the event period - so one for each location. (If anyone else would also like a project located where they are during the count period, I would be happy to make one for you - or help you make your own)

Here's the links to the projects ...

Happy observing!
Mary Krieger

Posted on May 20, 2022 02:25 PM by marykrieger marykrieger


I love this! Thank you, Mary, for taking this on. For the first time in many years, I returned to Alberta in late April. Sifting through fields of crunchy dead grass in search of anything worth capturing, my thoughts drifted to CNC and the challenges faced by anybody in the community wanting to participate.

Posted by leshell over 2 years ago

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