Bird age codes

Age (Year Class) Codes
0 - U - Unknown - A bird that cannot be placed in any classes below . Except in cases where data were not recorded or have been lost during the nesting season, ONLY BIRDS BANDED AFTER THE BREEDING SEASON AND BEFORE JANUARY 1 CAN BE CORRECTLY CODED U.

1 AHY After Hatching Year A bird known to have hatched before the calendar year of banding; year of hatch otherwise unknown. Example: Banded 1997 - Hatched before January 1, 1997. Birds that would have been coded U on December 31 graduate to class AHY on January 1.

2 HY Hatching Year A bird capable of sustained flight and known to have hatched during the calendar year in which it was banded. Example: Banded 1997 - Hatched 1997.

3 J Juvenile OBSOLETE, old code used for nestling or recent fledgling, probably mostly translatable to age L but can not be certain. Code still exists in database with old records.

4 L Local A nestling or young bird incapable of sustained flight. After a young bird achieves sustained flight it becomes age HY until December 31

5 SY Second Year A bird known to have hatched in the calendar year preceding the year of banding and in its second calendar year of life. Example: Banded 1997 - Hatched 1996.

6 ASY After Second Year A bird known to have hatched earlier than the calendar year preceeding the year of banding; year of hatch otherwise unknown. Example: Banded 1997 - Hatched 1995 or earlier.

7 TY Third Year A bird known to have hatched in the calendar year two years prior to the year of banding, now in its third calendar year of life. Example: Banded 1997 - Hatched 1995.

8 ATY After Third Year A bird known to have hatched prior to two years prior to the year of banding, now in at least its fourth calendar year of life. Example: Banded 1997 - Hatched 1994 or earlier.

Posted on September 25, 2022 09:00 PM by amypadgett amypadgett


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