A Couple of Upcoming March 2023 Activities

March is a wonderfully busy month for all of us iNaturalists. I’m a little late getting this posted but I wanted to announce a couple of opportunities for Austin area iNatters.

  1. I will be hosting a visit in Austin for our pal and premier iNaturalist James Bailey of California (@silversea_starsong), March 7-13. James will be staying at our house on Salton Drive and I’m going to be figuring out a schedule of daily target activities to maximize James’ time in Central Texas. We have no fixed schedule yet but we’ll probably be making local field trips within 1-2 hours of Austin on most days, March 8-12. We might even organize a pot luck dinner in James’ honor on the evening of Friday or Saturday (March 10 or 11). All of this is to be determined. But PLEASE leave a note on this journal post, message me directly, or send me an email at [gcwarbler AT austin.rr.com] if you’d like me to keep you advised of the anticipated schedule. We’d love to coordinate with and link up with as many other Austin-area iNatters as we can.
  2. Mike Murphy (@mikmurphy), owner and proprietor of Los Madrones Ranch near Dripping Springs, TX, has invited local iNaturalists in the Austin region to visit the ranch for a memorial mini-bioblitz on Saturday, March 25, in honor and memory of our friend Greg Lasley who spent a lot of time on Los Madrones.
    Mike announced the event in a comment on the RIP Greg Lasley blog here:
    There will be a midday BBQ and we will be setting up a few mothing stations at Los Madrones on Friday night. Visitors will have the opportunity for overnight camping (primitive) but facilities are limited. Please contact Mike Murphy directly on iNaturalist or via his email address (see the above blog). Here’s a link to an iNat map of observations in/around Los Madrones Ranch off of Hamilton Pool Road in western Travis County:

Please leave a comment here or message me directly and let me know of your interest in either/both events.

Posted on February 14, 2023 01:54 AM by gcwarbler gcwarbler


1) Please keep me advised of the anticipated schedule. Sounds like fun.
2) I have already reached out to Mike about the mini-blitz and plan to attend. Also sounds like fun.


Posted by centratex over 1 year ago

Following. Not sure what I can commit to yet as my automotive options are in flux at the moment, but I'd like to attend at least one of these.

Posted by rymcdaniel over 1 year ago

As Chuck noted, overnight camping on the ranch is welcome, just note that we remain in drought and Little Bee Creek, with a nice camping area, is not flowing currently. We would appreciate an email confirming who intends to visit; this allows us to prepare our food order properly. We look forward to a fine day commemorating the memory of our friend Greg Lasley.

Posted by mikmurphy over 1 year ago

Excited to come down to your neck of the woods March 11-12!! :)

Posted by sambiology over 1 year ago

Hello, Chuck! These both sound like worthwhile events. I'd like to join if I'm in town. Keep me posted!

Posted by cliftonladd over 1 year ago

Hi Chuck:

I'll participate as I can. Sounds like great fun in the field!


Posted by jcochran706 over 1 year ago

Hy Chuck, my schedule is a bit fluid right now, but I'd be interested potentially in March 10-12, as well as the 25th. Thanks!

Posted by rkostecke over 1 year ago

Sorry, but I can't go. I've already scheduled a trip to the Ozarks, and my boss isn't going to let me take more time off for other things.

Posted by cosmiccat over 1 year ago

Hi Chuck, I am interested in both events, please let me know more details when known!

Posted by currenfrasch over 1 year ago

I cannot commit to anything, but keep me advised on the schedule. Most likely will be available around March 10th-13th Definitely interested in joining in for at least one event!

Posted by arnanthescout over 1 year ago

I just sent a personal message via iNat to all who expressed an interest in joining James and I on some of our events this coming week. If you didn't get that or if you are newly enthused to join us, please send me a private message on iNat or via email at gcwarbler AT austin.rr.com.

Posted by gcwarbler over 1 year ago

I would love to attend the Dripping Springs blitz. Let me know if there are any plans for this weekend as well. I'd love to meet silversea_starsong.

Posted by k8thegr8 over 1 year ago

Hello all! My name is Michaela, I'm the daughter of Mike Murphy, property owner of Los Madrones. If anyone who wants to attend the Greg Lasley Memorial BioBlitz on March 25 could please fill out this google form (and sign the liability waiver), that would be fantastic!


Posted by mmccown over 1 year ago

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