Invasive Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer beetle spotted in Newlands

Invasive Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer beetle spotted in Newlands
25 January 2023


The City of Cape Town wants to inform residents that a tree infested with the invasive Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer beetle (PSHB) was discovered on a private property in Newlands yesterday afternoon, 24 January 2023. The City is currently on site, advising the resident on the safe removal of the tree as prescribed by the City’s protocol to prevent the spread of this damaging beetle.
The infested tree is a Boxelder, and is situated on private property in Kildare Road, Newlands. Surrounding property owners are advised to inspect trees on their properties as a matter of urgency.

A PSHB beetle infestation was first discovered in Oldenland Road, Somerset West, in an ailing London plane in March 2019. To date, only trees in the Somerset West area have been affected and removed.

'We are extremely concerned about this latest sighting in Newlands as to date we have managed to contain the invasive Asian borer beetle to the Somerset West area with the assistance and cooperation of residents.

However, this ignores the fact that the beetle has spread east of the City and is already in Stellenbosch and Paarl. (AGR)

'Officials from the City's Invasive Species Unit are currently on site to assess the situation to determine the extent of the infestation and the number of affected trees. The City is assisting the owner with the handling of the biomass. The wood from the tree must be chipped on site, and carefully removed under cover of heavy duty plastic and incinerated at an appropriate site,' said the City's Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Eddie Andrews.
The City will only know how many trees have been infested once the assessment has been concluded. For now, we can confirm that at least one Boxelder is impacted.
'I encourage residents in the Newlands area to please inspect the trees on their properties for possible beetle infestations, in particular Boxelders. Sightings must be reported to the City as soon as possible o that we can prevent the spreading. More information is available on the City's website, as well as a form to report sightings. By working together we can contain this beetle,' said Alderman Andrews.

How to report PSHB beetle sightings

Information about the borer beetle is available on the City's website; included are photos of infected trees and what symptoms to look out for.

More about the PSHB beetle

  • The beetle is the size of a sesame seed, approximately 2 mm in length, and its symbiont fungal partner are threatened trees across South Africa
    ( It is an ambrosia beetle native to Southeast Asia

  • It was first discovered in South Africa in 2017 on London plane trees in KwaZulu-Natal's National Botanical Gardens in Pietermaritzburg
  • The beetle is invading and poses a threat to exotic and indigenous trees across South Africa*

The beetle's most likely pathway or vector is through the movement of infested wood, originating from dead or dying PSHB infested trees, including wood intended to be used for cooking or heating
The female beetle carries with her three species of fungi, including the pathogen, Fusarium euwallaceae. The adult females burrow into trees to establish brood galleries where they lay their eggs. They introduce the fungus which colonises gallery walls, becoming a food source for developing larvae and adult beetles. The fungus kills the water conducting tissues of the tree and can lead to branch dieback and eventually causes the tree to die

Alien trees infested to date include: London Plane, Liquidamber, Japanese Maple, Chinese Maples, Pin Oak, English Oak and others
Indigenous trees infested to date include the Coast Coral tree, Forest Bushwillow, and Cape Willow

What to do!

  • Burning of the infected wood is the preferred method
  • Chipping of the wood into small pieces for compost is also recommended as the heat build-up in the composting process will kill the beetle
  • Once the tree has been felled the debris should be cleared as soon as possible and if required, the area should be sanitised - Infested plant material can be placed in refuse bags and sealed. The bags must be put in direct sunlight for solarisation as the heat from the sun helps to kill the beetle and its larvae

Best practice protocol

The City of Cape Town's Invasive Species Unit, in cooperation with the City's Recreation and Parks Department, local arborists and the country's top entomologists, developed a PSHB protocol which prescribes the best practice for how to remove and dispose of trees infested with PSHB. The Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Protocol is useful for identifying, pruning, cutting down, removing and disposing of infected PSHB wood. Experiences in California, Israel, and closer to home – in Gauteng, have shown that the PSHB beetle can easily spread across suburbs if extra precaution is not taken. Apart from infected wood, the 2 mm big borer beetle can also spread through clothing, vehicle crevices, or unclean horticultural equipment. The movement of infested wood is an important pathway for the spread of the beetle. Appropriate disposal of infested trees – by chipping and then incineration, solarisation, or composting – is therefore essential for reducing the spread of the pest.

The use of pesticides and fungicides have a limited effect. These may reduce the rate of recolonisation in lightly infected trees, but have not proven effective at eradicating PSHB from infected trees.

Published by:
City of Cape Town, Media Office

Posted on February 27, 2023 12:23 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


The invasive borer beetle has now spread to the northern and southern suburbs of Cape Town. This pest poses a serious threat to our urban forest as infested trees allow the beetle tospread. This can only be controlled by chipping infected wood immediately. We request residents to report sightings to the City so that we can come do an assessment.

How to contact the City:
• Online, at
• Call 021 444 2357, Monday to Friday from 07:30 to 16:00
• Email:
• Post observations here on iNaturalist. - see and monitor the spread here:

Cape Town infestations
Stellenbosch infestations

Important: Do not remove infested trees from your property as it will spread the pest to other areas.
Do not buy and move fire wood from areas with known PSHB infestation

Symptoms of infested trees:
• Branch dieback – cracks on the branch, discoloured leaves, dry & leafless branches
• Gumming – blobs of goo coming out of the bark, oozing of liquid and gum from the beetle holes
• Very small entry and exit holes on the bark of the tree
• Staining – brown or dark stains on the bark of the tree

What to do:
• Chip the tree, place the infested material in refuse bags, seal the bags and place in direct sunlight for 6 weeks - the heat (solarization) will help kill the beetle
• Dump the chips in your compost heap as the heat build-up in the composting process will kill the beetle
• Burn infected wood at an appropriate incineration facility
• Seek the assistance of properly trained & equipped service providers
Important: Pesticides and fungicides are not effective, the only way to get rid of the beetle is to chip the infected material.
PSBB Public Meeting:

Posted by tonyrebelo over 1 year ago

The City of Cape Town wants to inform residents that a tree infested with the invasive Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer beetle (PSHB) was discovered on a private property in Newlands yesterday afternoon, 24 January 2023.

Old news when it hit the papers. Compare iNat records.

Posted by beetledude over 1 year ago

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