TAW Devine Lake December 2016

December 3, 2016

A big crowd on a wet and cold night. Thanks to all that attended: Heike, Sandra & Randy S., Amy F., Mike F., Hunter Y., Kathy M. and Sue A.

There were no amphibians calling and we saw 3 Blanchard's Cricket Frogs - photographed one.

It was cold and raining and as the night wore on, it got windy.

Sky: Currently raining
Call Intensity: 0
Wind Speed - Beaufort: 1 at observation but by end of night at a 6
Water Level: high
No. of people in party: 9
Air temp (F): 12
Water temp (C): 17
Count of Individuals Observed: 3

Posted on December 5, 2016 07:06 AM by bethd bethd


Photos / Sounds


Blanchard's Cricket Frog (Acris blanchardi)




December 3, 2016 05:36 PM CST


TAW. Not sure if this is a good enough photo for identification. Light was poor and flash not working. Saw 3 total. Not calling.


Posted by weathergaltx almost 8 years ago

A third photo of the Blanchard's Cricket Frog can be found at http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/4709188.

Posted by k_mccormack almost 8 years ago

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