Butterfly Bioblitz!

"Well hello there"* Starting tomorrow and ending next Wednesday, July 26 - August 2 is the start of the annually Butterfly Bioblitz! It must be observed in SC during these dates and be a true Butterfly! Good luck!

  • ps... I did not get that from Star Wars

@pwilson96 @jtmartin54 @abiggs2 @sharleen_j @ryan84 @toxmace @matthew_campbell

Posted on July 25, 2023 07:58 PM by wildlife13 wildlife13


Sorry for the delay in results but some members have not uploaded their obs. I will release it tomorrow. Thanks!

Posted by wildlife13 about 1 year ago

For first place we have a tie between @matthew_campbell and @sharleen_j in species count at 14! In the event of tie we weigh in observation count. Which makes @matthew_campbell the winner! Congrats!

2nd @sharleen_j
3rd @pwilson96
4th @jtmartin54

Posted by wildlife13 about 1 year ago

Thanks for organizing and tallying, @wildlife13!

Posted by sharleen_j about 1 year ago


Posted by wildlife13 about 1 year ago

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