TAW Devine Lake February 2017

We had a total of 10 people for a nice evening at the lake. Monitoring began at sunset, 6:11 p.m. and lasted an hour. One Blanchard Cricket Frog was seen and Strecker's Chorus Frogs were heard calling faintly at a C=3 from the parking lot area. There was a huge number (1000+) of American Robins using the park as a roosting site, so the noise of the Robins did not make recording easy.

During the monitoring a Great Horned Owl was heard calling near the lake.

In an effort to possibly get a look at a Strecker's Frog, the party moved to a nearby retention pond in the subdivision where Devine Lake is located. Several American Bullfrogs were seen there, but nothing else.

Attendees: Christie Gardner, Randy and Sandra Spurlock, Hunter Yarborough, Tonja Hamel, myself, Kathy McCormack, and newbies Ginger Duhon with her 2 children.

Observation of Blanchard's Cricket Frog:

Air Temp (F): 51
Water temp (F): 53
No. of people in party: 7
Relative Humidity: 71%
Water Level: high
Wind Speed - Beaufort: 1
Sky: few clouds/misting

Posted on March 24, 2017 11:33 PM by bethd bethd


Posted by bethd over 7 years ago

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