200 and Counting!

Wow, we have surpassed 200 members in our project, nearly triple any other participating cities!!

Thanks to everyone for joining and for spreading the word to families and friends, and a special shout-out to the teachers and students at Medford High School for taking time to enjoy the outdoors and make observations over spring break!

The City Nature Challenge starts at tonight at midnight, and the weather for the next 5 days looks spectacular. Do you plan to go to certain areas or focus on any groups of organisms (birds, plants, plankton, bacteria?) We'd love to hear what you're up thinking!

Keep track of the leaderboards across the country here . With your help, we can take a snapshot of the biodiversity of the Greater Boston Area and win this thing!

Ready.... set.....

Posted on April 13, 2017 07:35 PM by alorenz alorenz


Hi Amy! Its so exciting to have so many members in the project. My kids and I are thinking of going to document carniverous plants at ponkapog bog tomorrow.

Posted by kelpfish over 7 years ago

So wonderful - a shout out to the students in Lynn too!

Posted by hitchco over 7 years ago

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