On Alert for Black Henbane

For the first time, Black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) has been confirmed in Golden!

Why is this sighting of Black Henbane in Golden bad news?

  • Listed as a provincial Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) species - we want to catch it early before it establishes in the province.
  • Toxic to humans and animals
  • Harbors major crop pests, threatening food security
  • Difficult to eradicate once established
  • Prevents native plant growth by creating dense shade and leaf litter
  • Thrives in agricultural and disturbed areas

What can you do?
Report sightings using iNaturalist or via the Report Invasive Species app or email invasive.plants@gov.bc.ca

Prevention is key!

  • Play Clean Go: Make sure to clean off seeds that might have attached to your clothing, equipment, and vehicle after being on the trails and before heading somewhere new!
  • Be Plantwise and make informed choices for your garden.
Posted on July 23, 2024 09:04 PM by csiss csiss


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