Biodiversity of Annadel Project Update

Greetings Annadel Addicts!
Thank you for adding your observations in Annadel!
Just a reminder that you can add observations while experiencing the park in whatever way you do -- by foot, bike, horse, in a watercraft on the lake, while doing volunteer trail work, how-ever you go (within the legal use limits). Remember drones are never allowed in the park.

It's really useful to add NOTES to your observations. For example, if you safely observe a rattlesnake, guess how long it is, what you guess the diameter is, see if you can determine how many rattles (from your photo), and note what trail it was on and what it was doing (what direction of travel -- do you think it was headed towards a water source?), did it appear to be freshly molted? You can add notes later after you have downloaded your photo. Remember if you observe a critter on a plant or flower, you can add an observation by copying it to include a specific entry for the host plant (like a bumblebee on a flower can result in two observations -- one each for the bee and the flower). Include notes on the behavior of birds or mammals you see -- were the ravens watching picnickers, waiting for dropped morsels? Were the coyotes playing or sitting and scratching, maybe hunting or vocalizing? Was the lizard doing push-ups? I once observed a bobcat being chased by wild turkeys!

As we experience the park in the dry dry dry summer and fall, remember to observe plants that are fruiting, nutting or going to seed. Then, too, some are blooming this time of year too!! Do you observe anything different this year compared to previous years you remember? Are there more, less, differences? Note that too.

There is a separate project for the burn areas (like for the Nun's Fire and Glass Fire) in Annadel too. You can search for those under "Projects."

It's always great to observe the same species in different areas of the park. So don't feel constricted if say you have already observed Coast Redwood on Richardson Trail, you can also photograph and observe them on Spring Creek, Marsh, Schultz, Lawndale ....

Have fun with your observations! Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
Happy Trails!
Sarah the Admin

Posted on August 5, 2024 07:06 PM by wildmare64 wildmare64


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