May 13, 2024

New article from Birds Georgia

Birds Georgia recently published a piece on the Bird Safe Campus group at Tech:

Posted on May 13, 2024 05:26 PM by featherenthusiast featherenthusiast | 0 comments | Leave a comment

April 21, 2023

The road so far—current progress and future plans

Hi all! Just wanted to provide a brief update on what we’ve accomplished this semester. The Bird Safe Campus team, a project of GT Students Organizing for Sustainability (SOS), presented our work at a research symposium this week to an audience of student researchers, faculty, and staff (slideshow here). We summarized our data collection efforts via dBird and iNaturalist, shared our window film prototypes, and identified our next steps, namely test the various films at the ISYE glassbridges. We were also able to successfully notify building managers about the importance of keeping lights off/dimmed during migration season in an email that went out that same day.

As spring migration ramps up, we will continue to document bird collisions on campus and verify that lights are actually being turned off. Hopefully we see some improvement, especially when we are able to apply window film.

In other news, I have been overseeing the formation of a new bird club at Georgia Tech called Birdwatchers at GT. We will probably see some collaboration from them in the future :)

Posted on April 21, 2023 11:48 PM by featherenthusiast featherenthusiast | 0 comments | Leave a comment
