Taxonomic Swap 11176 (Committed on 2015-05-13)

Switching this back to Cornus. While GoBotany lists Swida as the accepted name, The Plant List, the Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, & the Flora of the Southern & Mid-Atlantic States (2012) list Cornus as the accepted name.

Added by eraskin on May 13, 2015 01:36 PM | Committed by eraskin on May 13, 2015
replaced with


In Vermont we also don't use Swida. I know this is a sticky one but I agree with using Cornus.

Posted by charlie over 9 years ago

Cornus seemed like the consensus among the various sources that I checked (except GoBotany). Weakley states (for Cornus), "The generic limits are controversial. Phylogenetic analyses show that Cornus is monophyletic, but various clades within it are also monophyletic and have levels of genetic and morphologic divergence often regarded as warranting generic distinction. Zhang et al. (2008) estimate the time of divergences of the various subgenera as having been from the Paleocene to the Oligocene."
He sticks to Cornus though.

Posted by eraskin over 9 years ago

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