Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Sturnella. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Sturnella magna 9528

Taxonomic Split 124233 (Committed on 2023-06-14)

Clements Checklist v2021 (Citation)
Added by loarie on March 9, 2023 06:16 PM | Committed by loarie on June 14, 2023
split into


@loarie sorry to bug you about this again, but is there any chance that we could commit this one? With both taxonomies active people are using both, which is suboptimal.

Posted by henicorhina over 1 year ago

and these as well

this is the only change left to make from last year's Clements update, right? once this is done, the source listed for the bird taxon framework can be updated to Clements Checklist v2022

Posted by maxkirsch over 1 year ago

is it ready to go if I commit
I'd hate to have to revert this because of some complaint about the boundary etc

Posted by loarie over 1 year ago

I just double checked the atlas for this split and found one minor error in Coahuila which I've rectified. The range map polygons are not quite correct (e.g. they include Guerrero and Oaxaca for S. lilianae), but the atlases are correct.

So, yes, ready to go.

Posted by henicorhina over 1 year ago

ok split - fingers crossed

Posted by loarie over 1 year ago

awesome. I do have a long list of observation ID's saved, so I can go back and double check in case there's anything funny that happens during the split. Mostly from the range boundaries

Posted by henicorhina over 1 year ago

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