Taxonomic Swap 130052 (Committed on 2023-09-07)

POWO (Citation)
Added by marceloamores on September 5, 2023 01:16 AM | Committed by marceloamores on September 7, 2023
replaced with


Hola @carber, @ducco
Por favor, su ayuda para confirmar si procede el intercambio taxonómico propuesto.

Posted by marceloamores about 1 year ago

POWO reconoce a ambas como especies diferentes, así que no veo objeción al cambio.

According to POWO, Periploca laevigata and P.angustifolia are different species, so I think the change is justified.

Posted by carber about 1 year ago

Gracias. Intercambio realizado.

Posted by marceloamores about 1 year ago

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