Taxonomic Swap 133065 (Committed on 2023-10-29)

Automatically generated change from

eBird/Clements Checklist v2023 (Citation)
Added by donalddavesne on October 30, 2023 01:13 AM | Committed by donalddavesne on October 29, 2023
replaced with


can I check why the common name has been changed here?

Posted by thebeachcomber 11 months ago

Hooded plover is the name used by Clements and ebird, it should be the one used in priority here

Posted by donalddavesne 11 months ago

I agree, but on my dashboard it had it as the other way around? It said Hooded Plover replaced with Hooded Dotterel

Posted by thebeachcomber 11 months ago

Can you recheck now?

Posted by donalddavesne 11 months ago

it still says that, but checking the taxon itself it seems to be ok atm. Weird display bug maybe

Posted by thebeachcomber 11 months ago

Sometimes it takes a little while to update it seems

Posted by donalddavesne 11 months ago

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