Taxonomic Swap 18646 (Committed on 2016-12-23)

According to Pelham,, this taxon should be in the genus Icaricia, not Plebejus

A Catalogue of the Butterflies of the... (Citation)
Added by loarie on December 21, 2016 09:36 PM | Committed by loarie on December 23, 2016
replaced with


Thoughts on this @robberfly, @greglasley, @nblock, @kueda? iNat is supposed to be following as a taxonomic authority.

Posted by loarie almost 8 years ago

@nlblock rather than the nblock you have above. If iNat follows Pelham, then I guess we follow Pelham. I don't know what the best aurthority is to follow.

Posted by greglasley almost 8 years ago

It sounds good to me! I held off on some of these changes a while back because a European user didn't necessarily agree with making changes to Holarctic genera based on a North American taxonomic authority. Their argument was that the European usage was much more established. I think it's better to stick to one authority (Pelham), but I didn't want to argue at the time.

Posted by nlblock almost 8 years ago

ok this is comitted

Posted by loarie almost 8 years ago

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