Taxonomic Swap 22116 (Committed on 2017-04-19)

New combinations in the genus Vachell... (Citation)
Added by htsvoboda on April 20, 2017 06:43 AM | Committed by htsvoboda on April 19, 2017
replaced with


I have recently noticed that you made a change in the Vachellia farnesiana instead of Acacia farnesiana. Could you provide more information? may be taxonomic information. Best regards

Posted by elizatorres over 7 years ago

@elizatorres: Hello! This taxon swap was originally initiated by another iNat user, and I simply processed it. Seigler & Ebinger (2005; link here: decided to pull several of the taxa originally placed in Acacia—known to be polyphyletic for a while now—out and place them in the genus Vachellia. In the aforementioned publication, they simply synonymized A. farnesiana under V. farnesiana, and, to the best of my knowledge, this is still upheld in the current classification of Fabaceae. (P.S. There are still more swaps to be made [Acacia spp. to Vachellia spp.] but I simply haven't had the time to do so yet.)

Posted by htsvoboda over 7 years ago

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