Taxonomic Swap 31333 (Committed on 2018-03-22)

Added by pjd1 on March 22, 2018 07:55 PM | Committed by pjd1 on March 22, 2018
replaced with


The usage here accords with world opinion (PPG 2016) and the acceptance of the genus by the Plant List ( which accepts Lomaria but treats L. discolor as an 'unresolved name' (a consistent pattern where the New Zealand Flora is concerned). Irrespective I note that the name is already available on iNaturalist / Nature Watch New Zealand but has not yet been populated. Lomaria discolor is not followed by the New Zealand Plant Names Database ( which follows Perrie et al. (2014) and the generic decisions made therein but it is followed by the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network ( and as the rules of iNaturalist require that nomenclature should follow world databases like 'The Plant List', the preference for generic segregation of the Blechnaceae as advocated by Gasper et al ( 2016) and others and followed by the PPG (2016) is adopted here.


Gasper, A.L.; de Oliveira Dittrich, V.A.; Smith A.R.; Salino, A. 2016: A classification for Blechnaceae (Polypodiales: Polypodiopsida): New genera, resurrected names, and combinations. Phytotaxa 275: 191–227.

Perrie, L.R.; Wilson, R.K.; Shepherd, L.D.; Ohlsen, D.J.; Batty, E.L.; Brownsey, P.J.; Bayly, M.J. 2014: Molecular phylogenetics and generic taxonomy of Blechnaceae ferns. Taxon 63(4): 745-758.

PPG 1: The Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group 2016: A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54: 563-603.

Posted by pjd1 over 6 years ago

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