Taxonomic Swap 38003 (Committed on 2018-08-22)

synonyms in POWO

POWO (Citation)
Added by duarte on August 22, 2018 02:59 PM | Committed by duarte on August 22, 2018
replaced with


This generic "swap" has very serious ramifications. Spartina alterniflora is an widespread, species which is considered highly invasive in coastal ecosystems. It is well-known outside the botanical or even "grass" literature, by the name Spartina. Changing this generic allocation will cause great confusion in places that have developed monitoring programs for the spread of this species. If it is necessary for some "higher' reason to make this change, I suggest that [Spartina] be included in the documentation to forestall chaos in the fields other than grass systematics.

Posted by mgochfeld about 6 years ago

I understand your concern, but browsing for Spartina alterniflora will still return the same species. It's a 1-to-1 swap, not a split. But you can set the common name to Spartina if you want.
This is part of our change to Plants of the World (POWO) as the main taxonomic backbone for plants on iNat.

Posted by duarte about 6 years ago

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