Taxonomic Swap 73831 (Committed on 2020-03-22)

Added by aleturkmen on March 23, 2020 04:29 AM | Committed by aleturkmen on March 22, 2020
replaced with


Hello Nick, if I have reviewed the page BOA, the change of the taxon is carried out with the consultation of the other Mexican curators, this change comes from the work of Llorente in which it is mentioned that the names of Papilio victorinus are synonymous within the species Papilio menatius also explains what are the distributions of the two subspecies of Mexico.

P. m. menatius (Surinam, French Guiana)
P. m. cleotas Gray, 1832 (Brazil (Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro) to Argentina)
P. m. coelebs Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 (Peru)
P. m. coroebus C. Felder & R. Felder, 1861 (Colombia, Venezuela)
P. m. ctesiades Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 (Peru, Brazil (Amazonas, Sao Paulo))
P. m. eurotas C. Felder & R. Felder, 1862 (Ecuador, Peru)
P. m. laetitia Butler, 1872 (Costa Rica, Panama)
P. m. lemoulti Rousseau-Decelle, 1933 (Venezuela)
P. m. lenaeus Doubleday, 1846 (Bolivia, Peru)
P. m. morelius Rothschild & Jordan, 1906 (west of Mexico)
P. m. syndemis (Tyler, Brown & Wilson, 1994) (Colombia)
P. m. victorinus Doubleday, 1844 (eastern Mexico to Nicaragua) - victorinan swallowtail
P. m. vulneratus Butler, 1872 (Costa Rica)

These two articles also handle these new names
In Armando Luis Martínez's article "Progress in the Faunistic Knowledge of Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) sensu lato de Oaxaca, Mexico" (2016) by Armando Luis Martínez, Blanca Hernández-Mejía, Marysol Trujano-Ortega, Andrew Warren, José Salinas-Ez, Ovalos-Hernández, Isabel Vargas-Fernández and Jorge Llorente-Bouts; It's like:
Pterourus menatius morelius (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906)

Additions to Mexico's 2016 Papilionoidea series, isabel Vargas-Fernández, Jorge E. Llorente Bousquets and Armando Luis-Martínez)
is like Pyrrhosticta menatius morelius (Rothschild & Jordan, 1906) @nlblock

Posted by aleturkmen over 4 years ago

I honestly don't know the details of the taxonomic relationships between the two. It's just become standard for New World butterfly taxonomy on iNaturalist to follow the Pelham catalogue and the BoA site (mentioned in the curator guide: Even if we disagree with some of the taxonomy, we're supposed to adhere to these authorities for the iNat taxonomy.

Posted by nlblock over 4 years ago

I understand and of course that I adhere to the catalog of pelham and BOA every time I consult on taxonomy, in this case most species in Mexico are consulted under the work of Llorente since they are the most recent research with which some distributions and changes in taxa are determined.

The next thing would be to return the taxon to the way it was before or do we continue to work with it?

Posted by aleturkmen over 4 years ago

I honestly don't mind either way, so maybe we can leave it the way it is until BOA gets updated again.

Posted by nlblock over 4 years ago

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