Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Caesalpinieae. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Caesalpinia 48315

Taxonomic Split 74467 (Committed on 2020-04-05)

Caesalpinia was split in Gagnon E, Bruneau A, Hughes CE, de Queiroz LP, Lewis GP (2016). "A new generic system for the pantropical Caesalpinia group (Leguminosae)". PhytoKeys. 71 (71): 1–160. doi:10.3897/phytokeys.71.9203

IDs of Caesalpinia (genus) will be reassigned to Caesalpinieae (tribe).

Here is a link to identify observations that are currently at rank=tribe for Caesalpinieae: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?taxon_id=747312&lrank=tribe

Added by bouteloua on April 5, 2020 09:24 PM | Committed by bouteloua on April 5, 2020
split into


@ tagging some top identifiers who may be able to help refine these observations that are currently at rank=tribe for Caesalpinieae:


@pioleon @jeanphilippeb @francisco3_tutor @blakesito @adorantes @ripleyrm @stevejones @najera_tutor @cwbarrows @susanmf @alexiz

Posted by bouteloua over 4 years ago

I'll take a crack at the Arizona observations. Most of them appear to be commonly cultivated species in urban areas.
Edit: Well, that was easy - there were only seven for the state. I think I can branch out a little.

Posted by stevejones over 4 years ago

ha - thanks!

It looks like this split is slow to go through, so some more changes might be added over the next few hours.

Posted by bouteloua over 4 years ago

I will check mexican species

Posted by pioleon over 4 years ago

Hi @bouteloua , I can take a look at the species of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Posted by adorantes over 4 years ago

Awesome, there were around 450 observations at rank tribe last time I checked and now we're down to 341. ☺

Posted by bouteloua over 4 years ago

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