Taxonomic Swap 81750 (Committed on 2020-08-24)

Sawicki et al. (2017) provide molecular evidence for the treatment of Plášek et al. (2015), segregating Orthotrichum lyellii in the genus Pulvigera.

An annotated checklist of bryophytes ... (Citation)
Added by tayloria on August 24, 2020 11:36 AM | Committed by tayloria on August 24, 2020
replaced with


@tayloria, this change has not been supported by iNat's authority for North American bryophytes, which is FNA: In the future, please make sure you consult to make see if there's an authority listed for the taxon you want to change. If there is, please try to match the taxonomy used by that authority. If you think an exception to their treatment is justified, flag the taxon and start a conversation with other interested curators.

Posted by kueda over 3 years ago

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