Taxonomic Swap 101444 (Committed on 2021-11-11)

Though a true sister taxon of the striped hyena, most contemporary authorities have reestablished the brown hyena as the only taxon under Parahyaena. In addition to the Mammal Diversity Database, it is treated as Parahyaena brunnea in Hunter (2018), Yarnell et al. (2016), and Wiesel (2015).

ASM Mammal Diversity Database Ver. 1.... (Citation)
Added by bobby23 on November 11, 2021 07:50 PM | Committed by bobby23 on November 11, 2021
replaced with


Could you fill out the info for the taxon range please?

Posted by jwidness almost 3 years ago

@jwidness taken care of!

Posted by bobby23 almost 3 years ago


Posted by jwidness almost 3 years ago

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