Taxonomic Swap 116677 (Committed on 2022-11-27)

Geisha mariginellus is an unavailable name, which was never recorded in any reliable database. In addition, its author(s) and year are not known.
This taxon change is performed based on the identification in 林佑昇. 2021. 臺灣產蠟蟬總科之科級鑑定 (半翅目:頸喙亞目). 臺灣研蟲誌 6(4): 43–54. [Lin, You-sheng. Identification to the families of the Taiwanese Fulgoroidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). Taiwanese Journal of Entomological Studies 6(4): 43–54.]

Added by wongun on November 12, 2022 07:07 PM | Committed by wongun on November 27, 2022
replaced with


@psyllidhipster @nomolosx @delphax What do you think? I'll commit this taxon change if none of you opposes.

Posted by wongun almost 2 years ago
Posted by wongun almost 2 years ago

@wongun Thank you. It would be ok.

Posted by mutolisp almost 2 years ago

Now I will commit this taxon change.

Posted by wongun almost 2 years ago

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