Taxonomic Swap 144016 (Committed on 2024-06-12)

Added by donalddavesne on June 12, 2024 11:58 PM | Committed by donalddavesne on June 12, 2024
replaced with


@clinton o.O

Posted by diegoalmendras 3 months ago

@diegoalmendras I agree this is annoying, iNat does not support name changes without swapping the taxon, even if it's a minor grammatical change like this one.

Posted by donalddavesne 3 months ago

I agree, but I was wondering about that change name, if the current change was neccesary or even in coordinance with nomenclatural authorities. CAS Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes mentions Myliobatis is feminine, therefore correct ending is tenuicaudata, but do Eschmeyer have the power to change the name, even if the author used tenuicaudatus from the beggining? Im asking from the ignorance.

Posted by diegoalmendras 3 months ago

@diegoalmendras Good questions. The stance here on iNat is to follow Catalog of Fishes. This kind of cases, while a bit annoying, do not pose as much of a problem as taxon splits or merges because if the valid name is changed again, it would be easy to just switch back. No big deal.

Posted by donalddavesne 3 months ago

Where are the common names sourced from? There's a few on inat that seem wildly incongruent with what is actually widely and commonly used, and changing this from Southern Eagle Ray to Australian Bull Ray adds it to that list. ALA doesn't even list that as a "non-preferred" name.

And fwiw, this change also breaks all the "more info" links on the inat taxa page:

Since none of the other sites reference it by this name.

Posted by environ 3 months ago

No reason to also change the common name, especially to Australian Bull Ray as the name Bull Ray is already misused across Australia to name 2 eagle rays and 4 stingrays species in both tropical and temperate waters! This is just going to cause more confusion.

Posted by nigelmarsh 3 months ago

The common names for all the fish species in Australia were standardized in a paper published by CSIRO in 2006. It would be good if inat followed this, particularly for Australian endemics. See

Posted by alex_h 3 months ago

I updated the "more info" link so it should point towards the correct wikipedia page now.
What common name would you like to use? I think they all got ported over with the taxon switch, but their priority may have changed

Posted by donalddavesne about 2 months ago

@donalddavesne the correct name is in the document linked by Alex in the comment above yours: Southern Eagle Ray (I see you've changed it now)

Posted by thebeachcomber about 2 months ago

also just noting, don't use the 'Australia and surrounding waters' place for any name prioritisation, it's a non-existent polygon that someone added in error many years ago (I will in fact delete it now)

Posted by thebeachcomber about 2 months ago

Thanks for fixing this up! The CSIRO document linked above, or ALA, should be the most reliable sources for common names used in Australia.

Posted by environ about 2 months ago

@donalddavesne - I think we might be looking at different "more info" links :)

I'm looking at the "More Info" table in the sidebar of the "About" tab of
where the links to Animal Diversity Web, ALA, BHL, Fishbase et al. are
now all or mostly broken as they don't recognise this new synonym.

Posted by environ about 2 months ago

Ah yes, thanks I did not realise those were not ported over automatically. This is annoying.
I will edit them.

Posted by donalddavesne about 2 months ago

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