Taxonomic Swap 147003 (Committed on 2024-09-21)

Observations on iNat all refer to Photuris trivittata, previously misidentified in the literature as Photuris trilineata.
The species described as "trilineata" by Say, 1835 has since been re-examined and is not considered a member of Aspisoma. However, iNat has not been using the species name in that sense, and there is no risk of confusing Photuris and Aspisoma.
So, Photuris trilineata auct. nec Say, 1835 = P. trivittata Lloyd & Ballantyne, 2003.[0464:TABOPT]2.0.CO;2.full

Added by malacoderm on September 21, 2024 01:38 PM | Committed by malacoderm on September 21, 2024
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