Taxonomic Swap 16557 (Committed on 2016-09-06)

According to the NY Flora Atlas, this is the correct name.

(NY Flora Atlas (

"In agreement with article 62.4 of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (McNeill et al. 2006), Erechtites is masculine because it ends in ites and therefore adjectival specific epithets are to be modified to have a masculine ending (i.e. E. hieraciifolius not hieraciifolia). Following article 60.8 and Rec. 60G of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (McNeill et al. 2006) the correct specific epithet is hieraciifolius (as opposed to "hieracifolius") as it is formed by adding to the stem of the generic name Hieracium (i.e. hieraci) the connecting vowel (i) and then the final component."

Added by susanhewitt on September 7, 2016 01:43 AM | Committed by susanhewitt on September 6, 2016
replaced with


FWIW, I suspect this was the right thing to do, but for the wrong reason: we don't follow the NY Flora Atlas. The relevant authority here would probably be GoBotany, but they also follow this treatment:

Posted by kueda about 8 years ago

I think that's a right thing. If you type in a common name, the scientific name appeared more than one and all of them look similar would make me confused. There are similar problem, should be fixed as what Erechtites hieraciifolius did. Currently, I have found the similar cases: Rhus copallinum with Rhus copallina, Solanum ptychanthum with Solanum ptycanthum.

Posted by yaoshawn about 8 years ago

I normally don't do taxonomic fixes for plants or anything other than mollusks, because I don't really know what I am doing with the other groups, including not knowing the proper sources.

However I could try with those other two (Rhus copallinum /Rhus copallina, Solanum ptychanthum/Solanum ptycanthum) if no-one else will attempt to fix them?

@kueda -- good idea or not?

Posted by susanhewitt about 8 years ago

Again, please consult the taxonomic authorities listed at For example GoBotany and the plant list both use Rhus copallinum and not Rhus copallina, so you should not make that change.

Posted by kueda about 8 years ago

But apparently the listings do need a change in the other direction, since either way we don't want two differently spelled versions of the same name in the database.

Actually... I am pretty busy getting ready for a 3-week trip to California starting next Tuesday, so I will let someone else sort out these botany glitches. I will stick to mollusks, where I know what I am doing :)

Posted by susanhewitt about 8 years ago

Ah, if both are present then yes, they need to be synonymized. I'm just saying the one that should remain should be the one used by our listed authorities, if possible.

Posted by kueda about 8 years ago

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