Taxonomic Swap 16718 (Committed on 2016-09-16)

iNaturalist follows Clements - not the Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand - for bird taxonomy, and Clements considers the North and South Island Robins to be conspecific.

The eBird/Clements checklist of birds... (Citation)
Added by maxkirsch on September 17, 2016 02:43 AM | Committed by maxkirsch on September 16, 2016
replaced with


(Note - due to an error in the taxon change a few months ago that split these taxa [going against Clements], the original iNaturalist taxon concepts for New Zealand Robin and South Island Robin were synonymized, so all New Zealand Robin IDs from the North Island became South Island Robin; if you IDd any robins from the North Island over 5 months ago or so, please check to make sure your IDs are of the right taxon)

Posted by maxkirsch about 8 years ago

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