Taxonomic Swap 40380 (Committed on 2018-09-26)

Major clades of Agaricales: a multilo... (Citation)
Added by pulk on September 27, 2018 01:41 AM | Committed by pulk on September 26, 2018
replaced with


I fixed that name display bug your referenced on that FB post. ;)

Posted by bouteloua almost 6 years ago

Which bug are you referring to?

Posted by pulk almost 6 years ago

Though I'm not sure if your caption on that image meant you manually changed the accepted status of the names intentionally, to show that it was possible, or if they were displaying incorrectly on the taxon page based on some sort of bug.

Posted by bouteloua almost 6 years ago

Ah... my issue was that it shouldn't be possible to do that. That being an option left me confused about how synonymy is supposed to work here (but I get now that you just shouldn't do it).

Posted by pulk almost 6 years ago

Yeah, a common misconception that one can just change the name there and it fixes things ( yellow box).

It's possible, for curators only, to manually edit synonyms because they can be both automatically added (from taxon changes or auto-imports from EOL or COL) or manually added (like how I added a bunch of synonyms after seeing your FB post). It's also helpful to just delete fake synonyms like legit typing errors or other various errata like malformed characters or actual mistakes, i.e. species X is not actually a synonym of species Y.

Posted by bouteloua almost 6 years ago

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