Journal archives for September 2020

September 30, 2020


September is National Pollinator Month!⠀
Parks for Pollinators is a national campaign to raise awareness and community involvement in the pollinator crisis through local parks and recreation.⠀

Throughout the month of September, the City of Sarasota Parks and Recreation District will be posting exciting facts and photographs that highlight our local pollinators and pollinator-friendly plants. "Bee" sure to follow us on social media!⠀

The City of Sarasota Parks and Recreation District is excited to announce their very first Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz Contest!⠀

Let's see how many pollinator species can be documented, this September, inside the City of Sarasota Parks!⠀

With the iNaturalist app, you just take a picture of a pollinator (bee, butterfly, bat, etc.) or pollinator-friendly plant, and the community will help identify the species.⠀

You can participate by exploring the nature and wildlife in any of the City of Sarasota Parks. For the Parks for Pollinator BioBlitz, please include: Butterflies, Moths, Ants, Bees, Wasps, Sawflies, Flies, Bats, Beetles, Hummingbirds and Pollinator-Friendly Flowering Plants. Only these observations will count during our event.⠀

Download the iNaturalist app.⠀

Once your signed-up find the BioBlitz titled Parks for Pollinators 2020: City of Sarasota Parks and Rec District and start the event!⠀

Winners will be announced Thursday, October 1, 2020! Prizes Coming Soon!⠀

Parks4Pollinators #LetsPlaySarasota #NationalPollinatorMonth #pollinators #Butterflies #Moths #Ants #Bees #Wasps #Sawflies #Flies #Bats #Beetles #Hummingbirds

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:39 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd | 0 comments | Leave a comment


Can you "Name That Plant"? Do you think this flower is a Beach Sunflower or a Black-eyed Susan? Check out our post on Facebook & Instagram today.

Hint: This butterfly-attracting, Florida native, is also known as Helianthus debilis.⠀

Throughout the month of September, the City of Sarasota Parks and Recreation District will be posting exciting facts and photographs that highlight our local pollinators and pollinator-friendly plants. "Bee" sure to follow us on social media!⠀

LetsPlaySarasota #Parks4Pollinators

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:40 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd | 0 comments | Leave a comment


Top 3 Butterfly Garden Needs:⠀
🦋 Colorful Nectar Plants such as the Black-Eyed Susan.⠀
🦋 A few key larval host plants (for the caterpillars). For example, the Butterfly Milkweed.⠀
🦋 Limited or no pesticides.⠀

Special thanks to Dr. Jaret C. Daniels - @floridamuseum & Jennifer W. Marvin - @floridafriendlylandscaping for answering all of our questions about pollinators this month! ⠀

Bee-sure to stay tuned for more fun facts!⠀

pollinators #butterfly #monarchbutterfly #monarchbutterflies #Parks4Pollinators

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:41 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd | 0 comments | Leave a comment


Qs: Do I need a reservation? What is a “Bee Hotel”?

A: You do not need a reservation. A bee hotel is an artificial nest structure that you can build or buy to put up in your yard to help providing nesting sites for native bees. You can make one at home by building a structure that holds/contains open reeds, bamboo, etc. - Dr. Jaret C. Daniels @floridamuseum

We ❤️ Pollinators

pollinators #beehotel #pollinatorhotel #parks4pollinators

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:42 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd | 0 comments | Leave a comment


Can you "Name That Plant"? Do you think this flower is a Gaillardia or a Cardinal Flower? Check out our post on Facebook and Instagram!

Fun Fact: This species is used as food-plants by caterpillars!⠀

Throughout the month of September, the City of Sarasota Parks and Recreation District will be posting exciting facts and photographs that highlight our local pollinators and pollinator-friendly plants. "Bee" sure to follow us on social media!⠀

LetsPlaySarasota #Parks4Pollinators

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:43 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd | 0 comments | Leave a comment


Q: Are dragonflies pollinators?⠀
A: No, dragonflies are not pollinators. They are, however, great beneficial insects preying on other insects as adults in terrestrial landscapes and as naiads (immatures) in aquatic systems. - Dr. Jaret C. Daniels @floridamuseum⠀

LetsPlaySarasota #Parks4Pollinators @nrpa #dragonflies

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:43 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd | 0 comments | Leave a comment


Q: How do flies help pollinate?⠀

A: Flies are a very abundant and diverse group of insect pollinators. Many visit flowers and help transport pollen. Many also serve other key beneficial roles as predators, parasitoids, decomposers, etc. during their life cycle. Flower flies (Syrphidae) are some of the more common and most are bee or wasp mimics.⠀

  • Dr. Jaret C. Daniels @floridamuseum⠀⠀

    #LetsPlaySarasota #Parks4Pollinators #flies

Posted on September 30, 2020 01:46 PM by sarasotaprd sarasotaprd | 0 comments | Leave a comment
