
Joined: Aug 19, 2021 Last Active: Sep 23, 2024 iNaturalist Monthly Supporter since July 2022

I have been fascinated by this earth since the moment I entered it. I am a nature enthusiast at heart, and lover of wildlife. My other passion is photography, and I enjoy combining the two when possible. Right now I am focused on documenting more local wildlife, particularly arthropods, but tend to make observations wherever I go. I LOVE bugs and fungi, and find it amazing the diversity available right under our noses, and found right in our own backyards. Like so many, I especially enjoy Lepidopterans of all kinds (though I have a soft spot for moths). I have cultivated a wealth of information and experience through a lifetime of interest in nature and entomology, yet continue to learn new things through this site. Eventually, I hope to branch out and capture more animals beyond the many-legged, but in the meantime, I remain known as the local "bug girl".

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